Many are curious about how they can reap the many medical benefits of marijuana as cannabis continues its rise across the country and states legalize use for medicinal purposes.
A medical marijuana card is the primary vehicle that states that allow medical marijuana use. Each state has its own requirements for medical marijuana cards. The process involves filling out paperwork with the state authorities. A recommendation from a doctor is also required to determine if medical cannabis could be of benefit to you.
What Are The Benefits Of A Medical Marijuana Card (MMJ Card)?
A growing number are willing to undergo the process of getting a medical marijuana card, despite the setbacks and pitfalls.
Allows You To Buy High-Quality Cannabis From Licensed Dispensaries: Those who insist on quality products will feel confident that they can purchase cannabis from licensed dispensaries. Legal medicinal dispensaries must have precise labeling that clearly identifies the amount of THC or CBD in cannabis products. They will also have been tested for quality. While testing regulations vary from one state to the next, many states will require customers to obtain certificates of analysis that show testing for heavy metals or pesticides.
Lower Cost And Taxes: People who have a medical marijuana Texas card can save a lot on high-quality cannabis. A cardholder in a state such as Colorado can avoid paying excise or retail tax on marijuana. However, other states like Maine and Massachusetts offer tax breaks to medical marijuana cardholders. Cardholders can also buy FDA-approved drugs such as Epidiolex that are partially made from marijuana for a lower price.
Offers Legal Protection: A medical marijuana card can make the difference between a misdemeanor or felony drug offense. You could also be able to walk away with no consequences if you have a valid medical marijuana card. The state’s medical marijuana program is free for those who are properly enrolled.
Minimum Age Requirements To Get A Medical Marijuana Card: In most states that allow medicinal marijuana, the minimum age is 18. Some states allow minors to use medical marijuana, provided they are supervised by a caregiver who is over 18. Minors with life-threatening medical conditions can get a medical marijuana card that allows them to access high-quality marijuana.
The Ability To Take Advantage Of Higher Purchase Limits: People with medical marijuana cards are often able to possess more marijuana than those who have it recreationally in states that allow it. A card holder can legally carry eight ounces of cannabis in Texas, while a recreational user is allowed to have only one ounce.
Lower Prices: Many people have access to cheaper marijuana products because most states set the tax rate at a percentage of the purchase price. It’s less expensive to run a legal marijuana company than an illegal one, so marijuana prices have fallen in states like Texas. Most states require that people renew their medical cannabis card annually and place restrictions on the movement of medical marijuana outside the state. Moreover, not all doctors are willing to recommend medical marijuana patients as they go through the application process.
A growing number of states have legalized medical marijuana. The majority of people prefer to inhale or smoke marijuana using a vaporizer. Others will buy edibles to use or apply to their skin using lotions, sprays or oils.