Experts and physiotherapists across the country recommend yoga to relieve knee pain. For those with chronic knee pain, arthritis, or osteoarthritis, the exercise program can prove to be a blessing. Although yoga exercises can seem intimidating at first, regular practice can help restore flexibility in your joints and muscles. It is best to be patient if you want to make positive changes. These yoga exercises for knee pain may be of benefit to your knee joints, especially the knees.
Trikona Asana/The Triangle Pose:
The triangle pose is used to strengthen and stretch the inner thighs. You will need to be straight on your back and take a wide stance while standing on a yoga mat. Keep your right foot parallel to your back, and your right foot at a 90 degree angle along the horizontal edge. To stretch your inner quads and thighs, bend your right knee so that it is in line with your hips and ankles. The right knee should be aligned with your ankles and buttocks so that the right arm extends to the left side. Keep your core engaged, and you can place a block beside your right hand if it needs support. It is best to have an expert guide you through these exercises if you are new or experiencing severe joint pain.
Mountain Pose
Mountain pose, a part of the sun salutation is very effective in relieving knee pain. Start by ensuring that your feet are in line. Now, using the strength of both your core and your feet, lift yourself up from your core. To evenly distribute your body weight, press on the floor while engaging your calf muscles. To feel tightness and stretch in your abs, use your quadriceps to slowly rotate your thighs. As you raise your chin, pull the shoulders backwards. Your chin should be parallel to the ground. Relax your facial muscles, and then inhale deeply to release all tension in the pose. Take as many deep breaths as you can and hold the position for as long as you can before slowly returning to the original pose.
Half Moon Pose with Support or The Ardha Chandrasana
This is a balance position that strengthens your knee muscles. Begin with asana by finding an empty wall and a block to support you. Stand with your back against the wall, and slowly rotate your right leg. Make sure your right foot is parallel to the wall. After you’ve established this, hold a block in your right hand and bend your right knee slowly. Now, shift all of your weight to the right leg so you can balance. To straighten your right leg, place the block on the ground right next to your right foot. Your left side should be pointing upwards, so your back is aligned with the wall behind. The left leg should be parallel to the ground, while your left arm must align with your right arm. As you practice the asana, you will need to hold this position for at least a few seconds. Next, take deep breaths.
Supported Bridge Pose:
The bridge pose, also known as the setu bandhasana or the bridge pose, helps strengthen your back, hamstrings and glutes. Begin by lying down on your yoga mat. Next, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Keep your ankles at the same distance as your shoulders. As you raise your abdomen and pelvic region, apply pressure to your soles. Your knees and feet should now be at a 90 degree angle to the ground. Hold the position for a few moments and then return to your original position.
The bottom line
These 3 steps will help you get rid of knee pain if you have knee problems. This type of yoga can be found at Live with Yoga. Although yoga for knee pain can be beneficial to all ages, it is especially helpful for the elderly as the knee pain often occurs at the post. Yoga for the elderly is a popular option at Live with Yoga.