Guest blogging is a very popular link-building strategy. Guest blogging sounds easy: You post content on an external website to gain links back to your site. In simple words, you are exchanging quality content for a link. This looks incredible at first glance. But is it really cost-effective to obtain links?
According to my experience, it takes time and effort to create a quality post.
You will need to have the resources (editors and topic experts) in order to publish quality content. The cost per link is high if you want quality content.
How Many Posts Can Your Blog Publish Per Month?
Even if you can only write one blog post per day, this strategy will be very difficult to scale.
If you want to create hundreds of links, then you’ll need hundreds. But it’s more than just mass-producing content.
A blog post should be well-written and delivered. You also need to pitch your ideas to editors.
Each month it will need to have new editors so that guest posts can be published on many sites, not just a few.
As you can see, there’s a lot of work that goes into link-building as a guest blogger.
3 Tips to Enhance Your Guest Blog Strategy
The first rule to guest blogging is quality content.
Naturally, nobody wants boring or badly-written blog posts.
Once you are certain that your pieces look great, it is now time to think of how you can get as many links as possible from each guest posting.
Let’s jump in.
- Links To Sites That Heavily Invest In Link Building
Many sites are working hard to make their brand more visible. They are a great target.
These sites are always looking to make new links. This is why they will be eager to work with you.
If you link to other sites from guest posts, it makes it easier to establish mutually-beneficial relationships with them and, as a result, can get links much quicker.
This strategy can significantly reduce the cost of every link you gain through the guest blog.
- Link to Guest Posts on Blogs You Want to Share
That sounds obvious.
Linking to the blog is a great first impression. It shows that you are really interested in being a contributor. Be patient, and don’t be rushed to post links to every blog.
People should not provide a link without consulting the editor before they do so. You’ll give them a direct link to content they’re working on for the top Google search results. This link will be greatly appreciated.
If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to remember that you and your partner are a team. You’re in this together, and whether you’re facing good times or bad, you need to rely on each other. Luckily, there are some things you can do to strengthen your bond and make sure your relationship is as healthy as possible. Relationship guest post on this topic is one way to start the conversation about how to keep your relationship strong — check out our tips below and see what works for you and your partner.